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Stefan Zielonka

Stefan Zielonka

Senior Scientist
Merck KGaA (EMD Serono)


Stefan Zielonka has received his PhD from the Technische Universitaet of Darmstadt, Germany, where he worked in the Group of Harald Kolmar in the field of Protein Engineering of non-canonical antibodies. Now, he works as Senior Scientist at Merck KGaA (EMD Serono), Germany, in the Department Protein Engineering and Antibody Technologies (PEAT). He was Fellow of the Merck’sche Gesellschaft fuer Kunst und Wissenschaft e.V. and was awarded with the Kurt-Ruths-Award (2016) and the Rain¬er-Rudolph-Award in Biotechnology and Protein Chemistry (2016).

Research Interest

Protein Engineering, Antibodies, Biotechnology, Biochemistry